Tag Archives for " Fleet Maintenance Software "

Backing Up TATEMS Fleet Maintenance Software New

In the video below you discover how to backup and restore TATEMS Fleet Maintenance Software. You'll also see how you can use a backup as an archive so that you can remove data from your current database.

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Click any of the chapter links to jump to that part of the video

0:31 Backup On Demand

4:43 Ask To Backup On Close

6:10 Automatic Backup On Close

6:55 All Other Users Out Of TATEMS Before Backup

7:23 Problem With Automatic Backup

9:24 Restoring From Backup After a Crash

13:05 Viewing Previous Backups

15:01 Archiving Old Data

You can also view this video on YouTube here:


And if for some reason YouTube is blocked for you here is a non YouTube version:

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[Video] All Work Orders by Work Order Number Report

In the video below you'll discover how to find and use the All Work Orders By Work Order number report

The descriptions in this report come from the short descriptions in each work order.

The report sorts by work  order number only

The video shows you how to choose criteria to see the costs for a specific semi-truck, trailer, or equipment.

You can also just choose a date range to see all the work orders for the entire fleet and get the total costs for that date range.

You can find more training videos here:



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[Video] See How Long To Go for All Lube Services with Spreadsheet 137

The video below shows you how to use the custom Lube Service Reminders Spreadsheets number 52 and number 137 and how to link them to the live TATEMS Fleet Maintenance Software database.

You can download the spreadsheets directly from here:


And you can see all the available spreadsheets here


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[Video] TATEMS Fleet Maintenance Software Keyboard Shortcuts

This video reveals how to use the most useful Keyboard shortcuts that you'll find in TATEMS Truck Maintenance Software…

Not all of TATEMS keyboard shortcuts listed below are demonstrated the video but the BOLDED ONES are:

[Tab] sets focus to the next field.

[Ctrl]+[Enter] inserts a new line in multi-line controls.

[Ctrl]+[C] copies the selected text onto the clipboard.

[Ctrl]+[X] cuts the selected text, and put it on the clipboard.

[Ctrl]+[V] pastes the clipboard contents. [Ctrl]+[Z] undoes the last action.

[Ctrl]+[A] selects all text in the current field.

[Shift]+[F2] opens zoom box to edit the current field in its own, larger, dialog box.

[Spacebar] toggles the value of a check box or option button.

[Esc] undoes changes to the current field or the current record (press [Esc] twice to undo both)

[Ctrl]+[;] inserts the current date.

[Ctrl]+[‘] inserts the value from the same field in the previous record.


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[Video] How To Export/Print Fleet Maintenance Reports To PDF And Convert To Excel Spreadsheet

The video below shows you how to print a TATEMS Fleet Maintenance Report To PDF and then how to convert it to an Excel Spreadsheet.

We convert the PDF to Excel using the free online converter PDF to Excel converter tool found here:

If you don't have a PDF printer in your printer selector you can see instructions for installing the free Microsoft PDF driver here:

Or you can get a free PDF print driver for Windows from here:



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[Video] Using Lube Service Reminders Spreadsheets Nos. 52 and 136

The video below shows you how to use the custom Lube Service Reminders Spreadsheets number 52 and number 136 (video may show it as 137 but the number order got messed up and this one is actually number 136) and how to link them to the live TATEMS Fleet Maintenance Software database.

You'll also discover how to fix the strange date sorting behavior in Excel

You can download the spreadsheets directly from here:

52. TATEMS-LubeServiceRemindersWithRemainingTimeLeft

136. TATEMS-LubeServiceRemindersWithRemainingTimeLeftAndExtraEquipFields

And you can see all the available spreadsheets here


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[Video] How To Change Equipment Number On Work Order Already Created

The video below shows you how to change the equipment number on an existing work order you have already created.

Hint: You have to use the Work Orders List under Forms->Work Orders list to change the equipment number on a work order

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[Video] Change Equipment Number To Number That Already Exists

The video below shows you how to add an equipment number when the number already exists or change an equipment number to a number that already exists

You'll also discover where to assign repair codes when you create a Work Orders and Add Labor and/or Parts to a Work Order

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[Video] Work Order Total Costs by Repair Code

The video below shows you how to run the Work Orders Total Costs By Repair Code

You'll also discover where to assign repair codes when you create a Work Orders and Add Labor and/or Parts to a Work Order

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[Video] Setting Individual Employee Labor Rates For Work Orders

The video below shows you how to set individual employee labor rates in work orders

You'll also discover how to set the company-wide labor rate and how to over-ride the default employee or default company-wide labor rate.

You previously had to click the Use Cost Defaults button just to set the employee rates in a work order.

This has changed and the employee rates are not pulled in automatically.

The video shows you the way these features work after the changes were made in version

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