This new ability to automatically enter lower interval Lube/services that I posted about a number of months ago is now a reality in TATEMS version 4.4.04
In the video below I show you how to use the feature when it asks if you want to enter a lower interval Lube/service (PM) and also how you can have it automatically enter them without asking.
Enjoy and share if your inclined to.
To recap what's in the video.
Say you have a lube/service that needs to be done every 7500 miles and you also have one that needs to be done every 15000 miles.
If you have previously completed the 7500 mile one and then later add the 15000 mile one you will see a popup asking if you want to also add the 7500 mile one at the same time. If you say yes then the 7500 mile one will be entered with text in the notes section saying “Completed during 15000 mile Lube/Service”
You also have the option to have the system always enter those lower interval Lube/Services without asking.
I hope this is helpful for you.
Thanks Again
Marc Ready
P.S. If you have trouble viewing the video above I have included the YouTube version below.