Tag Archives for " 90 day inspections "

Updates for TATEMS Fleet Maintenance Software 4.6.20-4.6.21

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In the video below I go over 7 updates plus a couple of bonus updates out of the 24 updates for these versions.

Here is what is covered in the video

Updates in TATEMS Version 4.6.20 & 4.6.21

  1. Improved speed of navigation 4.6.20 and then improved even more in 4.6.21
  2. Fixed Backup location issue of it not saving to the non-default location 4.6.20
  3. Fixed Work Order templates issue where the non-template text in the Detailed Description box was not printing on the Work Order/Invoice 4.6.20
  4. Fixed issue in the personnel screen that would not allow you to delete an employee 4.6.20
  5. Added ability to delete all unused Fuel Vendors to make deletion faster for large lists 4.6.20
  6. Fixed issue with the delete button on the Fuel Log Vendors screen. 4.6.20
  7. Changed the 90 day inspection so they are created as needed for each equipment and only for the current year instead of all years for all equipment 4.6.21

Plus at the end of the video I cover 2 bonus items that will keep your database smaller, faster and save you time if you use the 90 Day Inspections Tab.

The complete list of updates listed so far can be found over at the updates list page

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11 Minute Video: Work Order Templates and more new and planned Fleet Maintenance Software features

Below is a quick video I shot that shows you:



By the way I did not show it to you in the video, but the new Lube/Service report we are planning will only go to 21 possible items that you can check.


And here is a YouTube version of the video in case ou have any trouble with the one above.

Please let me know what you think about the Lube/Service changes we are working on, including the report items checkbox limitations or any other feedback about this video.

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Thanks Again


New spreadsheet-Periodic (90 Day) Inspections Due and Past Due with extra columns

Our prayers go out to the people of Japan and hope that things will improve soon for them.  

I had a request last week to create a new spreadsheet to display the 90 Day Inspections(or user defined number of days) Due or Past Due along with the Location so that they could sort the list by Location 

When I created it I also added the Deptartment or Area and the Customer fields in addition to the Location field.

This spreadsheet will link to and display the following columns fromyour TATEMS data:

Dept or Area
Equip Num
Date Insp Completed
Next Inspection Due
Equip Desc
Equip Sort Order

Here is a short video to that shows you the Spreadsheet in action.

You can get the spreadsheet here

Have a great week!

Thanks Again

Marc Ready