Monthly Archives: December 2019

[Video] Repairs Completed Totals By Equipment Report

This video shows you how to use the Repairs Completed Totals By Equipment Report

It also shows you a count of the repairs completed and the total cost for repairs completed for each truck, trailer, equipment or vehicle in your fleet…

You can also see how to use the date and or the Equipment number criteria fields to narrow what displays on the report.


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[Video] Parts Inventory Report With On Hand Qty Greater Than Zero

The video below shows you how to use the Parts Inventory With On Hand Quantity Greater than Zero report. (This report and 2 other parts inventory related reports were added in TATEMS version released Dec 9, 2019)

This report just shows you all your current parts inventory on hand and hides the inventory items where you do not have any stock on hand.

This is useful for seeing the value of what you currently have on hand plus getting a list and a count of all those items.

You can also restrict it to parts of a particular type or description or vendor or Part Number or Manufacturers Part Number.

In the video, you'll be shown how to sort it the report by various columns and how you can also export it all to Excel for further sorting and filtering.

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[Video] and Updates Announcement

This video goes over the new features added in version which was released on Nov 11, 2019

Here is what the video covers

  • Create Work Order From the 90(or user-defined) Day Inspection popup
  • Create Lube/Service from the 90 Day Inspection popup
  • Copy defective items all at once (instead of one at a time) to Needed Maintenance/Repairs tab from 90 Day Inspection popup
  • Added company name and address to the top of 90 Day Inspection single Inspection printout
  • Added Accomplished by name plus signature line and a date line to the bottom of the single 90 Day Inspection printout
  • Added button to Lube/Service tab to create or open existing work order based on the current Lube/Service
  • Added a Lube/Service button to Work Order screen to popup Lube/Service screen so you can complete the Lube/Service history from inside a work order
  • On the Fuel Log Screen, we Moved and renamed the Entry Date field so that it occurs right after the Fuel Vendor instead of at the end and also it just says Date
  • Added DOB (date of birth to Personnel screen and personnel details reports)

And below is a list of  new features, updates, and fixes included on version released December 9, 2019

  • Added NEW Parts Inventory All Parts On Hand Qty Greater Than Zero Report
  • Added NEW Parts Inventory List Of Active Parts Report
  • Added NEW Parts Inventory Parts Needing Re-Order Report Done
  • Updated all reports so that they can handle single quotes/apostrophes in the criteria. (This was happening mostly on the Work Orders Service By Vendor Totals Report for a vendor name like “Love's” for example.)
  • Fixed the Work Order Labor Description Dropdown box issue being improperly resized when the Auto Resizer for higher screen resolutions is turned on.
  • Fixed the issue of the Equipment Main Form not going back to maximized state after closing the work orders screen when the Auto Resizer for higher screen resolutions is turned on.

If you already have TATEMS installed can get the current update here:

You can get the current version full installer here:

If you need to renew your version upgrades and support you can do that here:

If you need to buy your first TATEMS Fleet Maintenance Software license(s) you can do that here

If you would like to add-on licenses to your account you can do that here: