Monthly Archives: May 2019

New Video for TATEMS Version

The video below shows you the new features added to TATEMS version released Mar 22, 2019

This includes a huge time saver, that allows you to edit a work order from the Parts Inventory Screen instead of the old way of having to:

1. Note the Equipment Number Note
2. Note the Work Order Number
3. Close the Parts Inventory Screen
4. Go find the equipment
5. Find the work order
6. Then open the work order for editing.

Now… instead of doing all that, you can just double click on the Work Order in “Where This Part Installed List” on the Parts Inventory Screen

You can get always the latest update here:



Video – Lube Service Reminder With Filters Report

This 4-minute video shows you what you will find inside the Lube Service report called Lube Service Reminder With Filters and can be found  found in TATEMS under Reports->More Reports->Report Type: Lube/Service

You will also discover how to use the unique sorting criteria for this report so that you can sort by multiple To Go before it's due columns.

Video For Spreadsheet 50

This video goes shows you how to link spreadsheet number 50. TATEMS-PartsVendorHistoryOfInstalledPartsCosts, to your TATEMS database using:

Excel 2016 (should also be the same for Excel 2013 and Excel 2019)


Excel 2010 (should also be the same for Excel 2007)

It also goes over how to create the same spreadsheet from scratch if you get an error when you try to link it to your TATEMS data.

You'll also see the spreadsheet columns and how to filter the columns in Excel

the columns are

Parts Vendor

Reference #

Part #

Part Desc

Cost Each

Qty Installed

Total Cost

Date WO Requested

Date WO Completed

Work Order#

Equip #

So to sum it up you will see the Parts Vendor Costs For All Work Orders In Your Fleet and you'll be able to filter by any af these columns.

For example, you can choose to see only what you spent and the parts purchased from a specific vendor for a spefic date range.

You can get this and the other spreadsheets by clicking here

If You get an error when you try to link to the TATEMS database I have another video here that shows you how to get it working

I hope you found this helpful!

Thanks Again
