New Video For Spreadsheet 130

This video goes shows you how to link spreadsheet number 130 TATEMS-WorkOrdersTotalsByYearPerEquipment  to your TATEMS database using:

Excel 2016 (should also be the same for Excel 2013 and Excel 2019)


Excel 2010 (should also be the same for Excel 2007)

It also goes over how to create the same spreadsheet from scratch if you get an error when you try to link it to your TATEMS data.


You'll also see the spreadsheet columns and how to filter the columns in Excel

the columns are

Equipment  Num

Year (Work Order Completed)

Labor Totals

Parts Totals

Misc Totals



Totals Costs

So to sum it up you will see the Work Order Totals For Each Year For Each Piece of Equipment In Your Fleet




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