Tag Archives for " Access Database "

Video Updating Odometer Readings Spreadsheet

When I first mentioned this spreadsheet about a year ago my daughter had just received a $300 ticket. 

I'm happy to say she hasn't been in any more trouble with the law and God willing she will graduate from college in May.

I originally created this spreadsheet because one of our clients wanted to see a printout of all odometer entries for all equipment.  

Basically it's what's called a cross tab query.  

The way it works is for each date you have entered odometer readings,  there will be a column with the date at the top  except for the first column which has the Equipment Number 

So then each row has the Equipment number and all the  odometer readings taken. 

 Like this 

Equip # 01-10-2010 01-17-2010 01-24-2010
101 25000 25250 25500
102 13232 13596 14025
103 96300 97230 98356

When I created this spreadsheet it displayed only 2010 odometer readings from TATEMS, hence the name:

TATEMS All Odometer Readings Each Date Has Own Column For All of 2010

I wanted to show you how you can change the date range on this spreadsheet to 2011 or any range you want. 

So I created this short video for you.

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