New Inspections/Permits spreadsheet and video

I'm going to change things up a little and put the tip at the top…

Now on to today's Tip:

Last week one of our clients asked if we could create a spreadsheet that would display all the items on the Inspections/Permits tab in TATEMS for all equipment.

This new spreadsheet links to your live TATEMS data and will display the following fields which you can now filter and sort any way you want to in Excel.

Equip #
Last DOT Insp
Next DOT
Last 90 Permit
Next 90 Day
Last Annual State Insp
Next State Insp
Last Over OverAxTollerance Permit
NextOverAxle Permit
Last Motor Carrier Certificate Reg
Next Motor Carrier
Last Smoke Insp
Next Smoke Insp

The spreadsheet is called:


It is spreadsheet number 62 on our Spreadsheets page:

If you have Excel 2007 or 2010 and you are running a 32 bit version of Windows and your TATEMS data is NOT on a server or other computer then you should be able to simply open and run this spreadsheet.

In the video below I show you how to use it on either a 64 bit version Of Windows or if your data is housed on a server. I also show you how to Filter and sort the data in this spreadsheet.

Other random stuff…..

As I write this on Saturday afternoon, it's suppose get up to 94° F today and we've had a few thunderstorms here in Las Vegas. The Gas prices at our local Sam’s club is at $3.55 per gallon… It’s going up.

Our Sprolie puppy Kiba finished his recovery from neutering and is as feisty as ever.

Thanks for visiting and remember to share TATEMS with a friend or colleague.

All The Best!


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