Discover quantities of each filter or part installed in your fleet
What’s been happening with us
It’s been a crazy couple of months for us. Our landlord stopped paying the mortgage so we had to scramble to find a new place to rent.
Luckily we found a place only about 2 blocks away from where we were so that was nice and the new place has a nice in-ground pool and spa. Something we have not had here in Las Vegas since 2004, other than the vinyl above ground pool we put up last summer. But we are finally getting settled in and happy to be at the new house.
I’ve been working on getting this new TATEMS blog up and running to make it easier to communicate with our clients, and hopefully get some guest contributors as well. If you would like to contribute an article please let me know.
I have a whole bunch of new training videos planned and a multiple new updated of versions of TATEMS planned for 2011.
New spreadsheet and video training
A few weeks back one of our clients wanted to see the quantity count of each filter installed on his fleet. So I created the spreadsheet for him that pulls the live data he needs from TATEMS.
I wanted to show you how to customize it so that you could see quantities installed, not only of particular filters, but any type of part and for any date range.
The spreadsheet currently displays these columns:
Part # |
Part Description |
Qty Installed |
You can get the spreadsheet here:
The search criteria field used is a Part Description of “Filter” and Work Order Date Requested between “1/1/2000” and “12/31/2020”. It only applies to parts/filters used in the Work Orders section of TATEMS Maintenance Software.
The video below shows you the spreadsheet in action. It also teaches you how to customize the spreadsheet; to alter what Part Description you may want to use and to how to narrow the date range.
By the way, if you have an older verion of Excel or if your TATEMS data file is on a server click here for a video to help get it working
Thanks Again