Fuel Log Report Criteria Update

This video showing you the new Fuel Log Report Criteria is the first in a series of videos I'll be creating to show you the updates in TATEMS version 4.4.03b

Actually if you have version 4.4.03 then you have 23 of the 25 updates in the list at:


In short a video below I show you update number 25 from that list:

“Added Customer, Location and Dept/Area criteria most fuel log reports”

This update number will change and get pushed down in the future as new versions are released.

So in case you have trouble seeing the video, when you go to Reports->More Reports->Report Type:Fuel Log  you now have 3 new criteria you can use to narrow down the equipment you are viewing in most of the fuel log reports.  The 3 new criteria are Customer, Dept/Area and Location.  Location is not included in the last report on the list. If this is a must have then please feel free to leave a comment below.

Thanks Again

Marc Ready


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