Monthly Archives: September 2017

Video Reminders Popup Help

This video goes over the Reminders Popup Screen

One thing I forgot to mention in the video is the enable check boxes on each tab.

If you un-check any of those the TATEMS will not check for that type of reminder and may speed up the Reminders Popup screen queries and loading.

The most computer intensive queries are the lube service queries so those are what usually takes the longest to process when opening the Reminders Popup screen.

Thanks Again



Video and Spreadsheet for specific parts counts over date range

The video below shows you how to link and use the new custom spreadsheet number 123.

It is called TATEMS-PartsUsedCountTotalsCustomDateRange

And you can find it and all the other ones available here:

It shows you how to link it and how to change the date range

The video above also shows you how to use a custom repair code.

For example, “Abuse”,  and also goes over how to run various reports in TATEMS related to that repair code.

I hope you find it useful….

Let me know if you have any ideas for more spreadsheets.

