Monthly Archives: July 2013

New Work Orders Printout Format Added to Preferences in ver 4.4.04

We have added an extra Work Orders printout format. You can select the additional formatting option under Tools->Preferences->Work Orders/Invoices.

This new feature can be found in TATEMS Fleet Maintenance Software version 4.4.04 and later.

I show you the feature in the video below. Enjoy and share with your friends.

As I said in the video, if you have an additional printout format you would like to see for TATEMS Work Orders please let me know what you have in mind. And if it's something that makes sense, we will add it as another option in preferences.

We are working hard to get the next update out the door.

Thanks Again,

Marc Ready

P.S I have posted the YouTube version of the video below in case you have trouble viewing the version posted above.