Tag Archives for " Spreadsheet "

[Video] How To Export/Print Fleet Maintenance Reports To PDF And Convert To Excel Spreadsheet

The video below shows you how to print a TATEMS Fleet Maintenance Report To PDF and then how to convert it to an Excel Spreadsheet.

We convert the PDF to Excel using the free online converter PDF to Excel converter tool found here:

If you don't have a PDF printer in your printer selector you can see instructions for installing the free Microsoft PDF driver here:

Or you can get a free PDF print driver for Windows from here:



Thanks for watching!

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New Video Shows – The Monthly Miles Traveled and/or Hours Run Spreadsheet That Links to Your Live TATEMS Data

In the video below I show you the newest spreadsheet report that you can link to your live TATEMS data.

It will show you hours run and or miles/km traveled for each equipment per month.

I also show you how to link it to your live TATEMS data.

All the custom spreadsheet reports that you can link to your live TATEMS are here:


If you have any ideas for more spreadsheet reports for your TATEMS Fleet Maintenance software please let me know!

Thanks For Visiting and if you like this content please share and like it for us!


All The Best!


Fleet Maintenance Software Spreadsheet Demo Video – Repair Codes Grouped By Equip And Year

I created a new spreadsheet for you that is like the one last week except this one also includes the equipment numbers.

In this one you will be able to see what you are spending year over year on each repair code for each piece of equipment.

The video is about 10 seconds shy of 6 minutes

In the video I also show you:

  • How to link the spreadsheet up to your live TATEMS data.
  • Where to set repair codes for parts and labor.
  • Where to find the repair code reports that are built into TATEMS

The spreadsheet can be found at:


and it is number:

84. TATEMSRepairCodeTotalsGroupedByEquipmentAndByYear

on that page.

I hope this is helpful for you.

Please leave any comments below and Like, Tweet or Plus 1


TATEMS Reminders Add-on Program Video Demo and a new spreadsheet Video too!

I hope you had a nice Christmas and New Year!

This first video is a demo of a new spreadsheet requested

It is called


Another nice short (but descriptive) name, I know…

It was created because the client wanted to be able to see Parts and Labor Totals for Model and or Year of Equipment and other fields like Equipment Location.

It is spreadsheet number 64 at:


I forgot to show you how to filter it by the columns at the top but you can see how on one of the other videos I made here:


at about the 40 second mark.

And this second video gives you about a 4 minute demo of the new TATEMS Reminders program that we are working on.

I did not use Zoom on the TATEMS Reminders video so you may want to click the Full Screen button on the lower right side of the player.

Let me know if you would like to see a custom spreadsheet created that we can share with our users too!

Make sure you click the Facebook like button and leave a comment if you would like to try the beta version of this new add-on.

Thanks Again And Have a Great Week!

New Inspections/Permits spreadsheet and video

I'm going to change things up a little and put the tip at the top…

Now on to today's Tip:

Last week one of our clients asked if we could create a spreadsheet that would display all the items on the Inspections/Permits tab in TATEMS for all equipment.

This new spreadsheet links to your live TATEMS data and will display the following fields which you can now filter and sort any way you want to in Excel.

Equip #
Last DOT Insp
Next DOT
Last 90 Permit
Next 90 Day
Last Annual State Insp
Next State Insp
Last Over OverAxTollerance Permit
NextOverAxle Permit
Last Motor Carrier Certificate Reg
Next Motor Carrier
Last Smoke Insp
Next Smoke Insp

The spreadsheet is called:


It is spreadsheet number 62 on our Spreadsheets page:


If you have Excel 2007 or 2010 and you are running a 32 bit version of Windows and your TATEMS data is NOT on a server or other computer then you should be able to simply open and run this spreadsheet.

In the video below I show you how to use it on either a 64 bit version Of Windows or if your data is housed on a server. I also show you how to Filter and sort the data in this spreadsheet.

Other random stuff…..

As I write this on Saturday afternoon, it's suppose get up to 94° F today and we've had a few thunderstorms here in Las Vegas. The Gas prices at our local Sam’s club is at $3.55 per gallon… It’s going up.

Our Sprolie puppy Kiba finished his recovery from neutering and is as feisty as ever.

Thanks for visiting and remember to share TATEMS with a friend or colleague.

All The Best!


Video Updating Odometer Readings Spreadsheet

When I first mentioned this spreadsheet about a year ago my daughter had just received a $300 ticket. 

I'm happy to say she hasn't been in any more trouble with the law and God willing she will graduate from college in May.

I originally created this spreadsheet because one of our clients wanted to see a printout of all odometer entries for all equipment.  

Basically it's what's called a cross tab query.  

The way it works is for each date you have entered odometer readings,  there will be a column with the date at the top  except for the first column which has the Equipment Number 

So then each row has the Equipment number and all the  odometer readings taken. 

 Like this 

Equip # 01-10-2010 01-17-2010 01-24-2010
101 25000 25250 25500
102 13232 13596 14025
103 96300 97230 98356

When I created this spreadsheet it displayed only 2010 odometer readings from TATEMS, hence the name:

TATEMS All Odometer Readings Each Date Has Own Column For All of 2010

I wanted to show you how you can change the date range on this spreadsheet to 2011 or any range you want. 

So I created this short video for you.

Was this useful for you?

Parts Replaced Under Warranty Spreadsheet

I created another spreadsheet to display all parts that were installed that have a warranty. This would allow you to check to see if part was under warranty when it failed.

To make this as useful as possible; you should add a note as to the warranty duration when you add a part to a Work Order and check the Warranty Box for the part.

Here are the fields that will display in this spreadsheet

Equip Num
Work Order ID
Requested Date
Completed Date
Part Num
Part Descr
Cost Per Unit
Total Cost

You can download it here:


You can also find this and many other spreadsheets we have created here


Here is a short video tour of the Parts Replaced Under Warranty spreadsheet :

Do you think we should add a warranty term next to the check box for the part in TATEMS?
Please leave your comments below.

Thanks Again